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Clinical skills | New Comment

USER: Nelson Aondongu Girgi
POST DATE: 17th Aug 2023


Clinical skills deal with basic diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that may be performed on patient or client while in the clinic. This course will give the students the opportunity to practice basic clinical skills with universal precaution prior to attend a procedure on actual patients,it is also familiarise them with the indication, complications, and interpretation associated with the various clinical procedure that they will perform on a patient/client
Clinical skills can be define as any discrete and observable act within the overall process of patient care, include all those skills required during patient and health worker interaction and in addition communication skill is required during the interaction.

Clinicalskills also involves history taking, physical examinations, clinical investigations, using diagnostic reasoning or clinical judgement procedural perfection, effective communication etc.

Clinical procedure can be define as any activities directed or performed on an individual with the objective of improving health, treating disease or injury or making a diagnosis, or any practice of a health practitioner that involves a combination of special skills or abilities and may require drugs, devices or both.


History taking is a method by which health care providers gather information about a patient’s past and present medical condition in order to informed clinical decision, and it is an aspect of diagnoses in which the client/patient tells stories or simply complains about the illness to the health worker. This procedure will guide the health worker to accurate diagnoses of patients make the atmosphere friendly, provide privacy and ensure interview area is out of hearing range of other client and personnel. It can also be define as a face to face interaction between the client/patient and the health worker.

Procedure/Methodfor History Taking or Interviewing a Client

1. Great the patient/client and Create rapport
2. Inform consent of the client
3. Ensure confidentiality
4. While you are receiving the information on patient condition, the health worker must:
✔️Use appropriate language
✔️Listen attentively
✔️Note verbal and non verbal clause
5. Make the client/patient comfortable
6. Avoid technical and professional jargons
7. Learn toward patient and maintain eyes contact
8. Non-judgemental attitudes
9. No leading questions
10. Documentation of all information

Types of History Required During History Taking

1 Demographic history
2 Medical history
3 Developmental history
4 Birth history
5 Antenatal history
6 Immunization history
7 Nutritional history
8 Family history
9 Social history
10 Occupational history
11 Obstetric and gynaecological history

Advantages of Interview/History Taking
1 First class information is ensured as it is a direct interaction.
2 It allows for the collection of in-depth information from the respondent
3 There is opportunity to for clarification of issues and misconceptions by the client.
4 It reduces bias of information.

Disadvantages of Interview/History Taking
1 It is time consuming
2 Interviewing demand allot of skills
3 It involve allot of documentation.


USER: Ibrahim Saidu
POST DATE: 20th Sep 2023


Clinical skills deal with basic diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that may be performed on patient or client while in the clinic. This course will give the students the opportunity to practice basic clinical skills with universal precaution prior to attend a procedure on actual patients,it is also familiarise them with the indication, complications, and interpretation associated with the various clinical procedure that they will perform on a patient/client
Clinical skills can be define as any discrete and observable act within the overall process of patient care, include all those skills required during patient and health worker interaction and in addition communication skill is required during the interaction.

Clinicalskills also involves history taking, physical examinations, clinical investigations, using diagnostic reasoning or clinical judgement procedural perfection, effective communication etc.

Clinical procedure can be define as any activities directed or performed on an individual with the objective of improving health, treating disease or injury or making a diagnosis, or any practice of a health practitioner that involves a combination of special skills or abilities and may require drugs, devices or both.


History taking is a method by which health care providers gather information about a patient’s past and present medical condition in order to informed clinical decision, and it is an aspect of diagnoses in which the client/patient tells stories or simply complains about the illness to the health worker. This procedure will guide the health worker to accurate diagnoses of patients make the atmosphere friendly, provide privacy and ensure interview area is out of hearing range of other client and personnel. It can also be define as a face to face interaction between the client/patient and the health worker.

Procedure/Methodfor History Taking or Interviewing a Client

1. Great the patient/client and Create rapport
2. Inform consent of the client
3. Ensure confidentiality
4. While you are receiving the information on patient condition, the health worker must:
✔️Use appropriate language
✔️Listen attentively
✔️Note verbal and non verbal clause
5. Make the client/patient comfortable
6. Avoid technical and professional jargons
7. Learn toward patient and maintain eyes contact
8. Non-judgemental attitudes
9. No leading questions
10. Documentation of all information

Types of History Required During History Taking

1 Demographic history
2 Medical history
3 Developmental history
4 Birth history
5 Antenatal history
6 Immunization history
7 Nutritional history
8 Family history
9 Social history
10 Occupational history
11 Obstetric and gynaecological history

Advantages of Interview/History Taking
1 First class information is ensured as it is a direct interaction.
2 It allows for the collection of in-depth information from the respondent
3 There is opportunity to for clarification of issues and misconceptions by the client.
4 It reduces bias of information.

Disadvantages of Interview/History Taking
1 It is time consuming
2 Interviewing demand allot of skills
3 It involve allot of documentation.

By: Nelson Aondongu Girgi



POST DATE: 2nd Jan 2024


By: Ibrahim Saidu

I really appreciate
